Grattis Joanne Kathleen Rowling 47 år!!! Idag fyller den underbara kvinna som skrev Harry Potter böckerna år!! Vi hoppas att hon får en helt magisk dag!! Vill bara säga tack till dig för att du skrev de mest underbara och magiska böckerna som finns! Tack för att vi fick uppleva den glädje och spänningen. Om inte du skulle skrivit böckerna vet vi inte vad vi hade gjort!! TACK SÅ MYCKET FÖR ATT DU HAR GJORT VÅRA LIV MAGISKA!! ♥ :D

J.K. Rowling på DN.se

J.K.Rowlings nya bok
Ni vet säkert att J.K.Rowling har skrivit en ny bok som är mer till för vuxna, hon har äntligen avslöjat vad den heter, The Casual Vacancy, är namnet på den nya boken.
Här kommer lite om vad boken handlar om på engelska:

Här kommer lite om vad boken handlar om på engelska:
"When Barry Fairweather dies unexpectedly in his early forties, the little town of Pagford is left in shock.
Pagford os, seemingly, an English idyll, with a cobbled market squere and an ancient abbey, but what lies behind the pretty facade is a town at war.
Rich at war with poor, teenagers at war with their parents, wives at war with their husbands, teachers at war with their pupils... Pagford is not what it first seems.
And the emty seat by Barry in the parish council sson becomes the catalyst for the biggest war the town has yet seen. Who will triumph in an electrion fraught with passion, duplicity and unexpected revelations?"
Pagford os, seemingly, an English idyll, with a cobbled market squere and an ancient abbey, but what lies behind the pretty facade is a town at war.
Rich at war with poor, teenagers at war with their parents, wives at war with their husbands, teachers at war with their pupils... Pagford is not what it first seems.
And the emty seat by Barry in the parish council sson becomes the catalyst for the biggest war the town has yet seen. Who will triumph in an electrion fraught with passion, duplicity and unexpected revelations?"